Tag: history

European Countries

Italy has always been closer to Russia than any other European country. It is difficult to say why, but funny and cheerful hitryugi-Italians once won a sincere love of many Russian. The Italians paid the same. Moreover, Few know that even in Sicily, which by and large, not even Italy, and in fact – a separate state for help often came just Russian. For example, in the terrible earthquake in 1908, when it was destroyed by almost entirely Sicilian town – Messina. The earthquake was powerful – just a few seconds – the whole city turned into a pile of rocks, beneath which were buried more than 160,000 …

The first to help the people of Messina ships came Baltic squadron commanded by Rear-Admiral Vladimir Litvinov. Anchors have been absolutely impossible – the ground shook under the sea went like otplyasyvaya lezginka, but it has not stopped the fleet. Letvinov ordered to pull the first doctors and nurses to provide emergency first aid to the needy, and already gave orders for the reception on board the women, children, elderly and seriously wounded. Directly on the site were built some similarity of hospitals with operating rooms, right in the middle of the street, where the doctors sat down during the day and night on his feet, without succumbing to sleep, still feeling the shaking of the earth under their feet, and – operated on (at night to replace the sun came sveu torches). Later, an Italian journalist Mathilde Seurat wrote: "In the history of Messina were thousands of pages of human kindness and generosity. But the very first, most eternal and imperishable page in the very story they have written – blond Slavs, so restrained in appearance and less responsive to business … "And all the newspapers in Italy have written about Russian sailors, calling them" our Russian brothers …

our saviors. " One witness, an Italian wrote: "Nice guys! That's really Three days later I watched them as they dismantle the ruins of houses, taking from them, people fussing around each of the injured. Their hands are unaware of fatigue after 10-14 hours of terrible work. "

Dagestan Tsitsianov

Both sides lost about 1,300 people. Tsarevich Grigol was made for the year in Petrozavodsk fortress, and then ended up in St. Petersburg. Princes Alexander and Teimuraz secretly emigrated with his retinue in Persia. Teimuraz, over a 10-year-old who fought against Russia in the ranks of the Persian army as chief of artillery, in 1810, threw the Persian camp, voluntarily surrendered to the Russian and was taken to St. Petersburg on a permanent place of residence.

With the accession of Russia to the reconciled not only Prince Alexander Iraklievich remaining in Persia for a lifetime. In September 1812 after a revolt led by Grigol organized armed resistance and Alexander. Rise residents of Kakheti and Khevsureti. Trying to knock out Russian Kartli failed at the Battle Shield. A month later, the armies of Alexander the Prince was defeated at Manavi. Prince was forced to retreat to a mountain Khevsureti, where stayed the winter and spring, and summer after a long battle took Russian Shatili, a center of insurgent Khevsureti. Alexander managed to escape in Tusheti. All captives were executed or sent to prison.

In 1827, Alexander, is in Persia, had left his wife, Princess Maria Isaakovna, together with his minor son Heraclius. She arrived in Russia, Yerevan, and in 1834 was sent to St. Petersburg. After the annexation of West Georgia in Russia were deported Many members of the ruling families zapadnogruzinskih principalities. It is fair to note that the suppression of the East Georgia played an active role themselves Georgians. A special place is owned by General Paul Sisianov Dmitrievich (1754 – 1806), originating in the Georgian princely family Tsitsishvili, a native of Moscow's colony of Georgians. In 1802, appointed inspector of infantry Tsitsianov to the Caucasus, Astrakhan and military governor Commander in Georgia. Tsitsianov conquered a large part of Azerbaijan, part of Dagestan and other regions of the Caucasus, despite the fact that his work was complicated by the war with Persia, and hampered by the extremely limited number of troops that he could have: as a result of the Napoleonic Wars in Georgia it was impossible to send reinforcements. Noticeable part of his soldiers and officers came from the Georgians. In the spring of 1806 carried Tsitsianov military operation against the Baku Khanate. Baku Khan Maulana Cooley said agreement to surrender. Accompanied by two men drove up to Tsitsianov walls of the city to accept the keys of the fortress, but was treacherously killed. Russian troops left without a chief, and retreated. Head Tsitsianov Hussein Quli Shah of Persia sent. In October 1806, Russian troops again come to Baku, Maulana Cooley escaped, but his Khanate became a part of Russia. In 1811, the body Tsitsianov was transported to and buried in Tbilisi Sioni Cathedral.

Cultures Color

But with this are born the problematizaes, what it is culture? How functions the culture? The most difficult E, as to conciliate culturae history education? We can understand that: Cultures are systems (of standards decomportamento socially transmitted) that they serve to adapt the comunidadeshumanas to its biological basements. This way of life of comunidadesinclui technologies and ways of economic organization, standards deestabelecimento, of social grouping and organization religious politics, eprticas beliefs, and so on. (LARAIA, 2006, P. 59). Culture are rules, conventions imposed for determined groups, society. Everything what in the fence it has one meaning tax for the nossasociedade.

An example of this is the black color. In the occidental societies ficouconvencionado that, the black color means fights, already in the eastern societies essamesma color that is sad for we, means joy, can be the birth deuma child. Therefore, the culture is umcomplexo of rules that in are imposed. To know as culturafunciona, or still, to try to see one culturade concrete form is not easy, therefore the culturano is static, well for the opposite, because ' ' any cultural system is numcontnuo process of modificao' ' (LARAIA, 2006, P. 95), therefore the culture is dynamic. Culturaopera in everything what it encircles in them, in the customs, the thoughts, we quevestimos in it, in what we eat, in what we believe. It functions in what we make and noque we do not make or we cannot make. Then cultura a regiment of that in the fence.

The history professor has that to teach to the pupils osaber-to make description. The professor also is an agent/subject transmitter of the culture and must use itself destaferramenta to form citizen, ' ' as it suggests Fernando Savater, in its book the value to educate, (…), ' prepararcompetidores' ' to form men completos' ' ' (RIBEIRO, 2004, P. 77). The person who usufruct of its rights and duties that, were imposed to it by a democratic society, person this who has conscinciado to be able that you have in hands, that can modify the routes of the politics of lugaronde live, with the vote, for example, this person is a citizen.


Consequentemente, when the propensity to aconsumir does not vary, the job cannot increase, not to be that this happens to mesmotempo that D2 grows, in way that fills the increasing gap between Z and D1. Ahead of this, the economic system can find a steady balance with N in an inferior level aopleno job, that is, in the level given for the intersection of the function of the global market and dafuno of it offers aggregate? excluded the hypotheses special of the classic theory, according to asquais, when the job increases, certain force always intervines, compelling D2 to go up onecessrio to fill the increasing gap between Z and D1. It is not, therefore, the desutilidademarginal of the work, express in terms of real wages, that the volume determines deemprego, except in the case where fixeum offers of hand of available workmanship the certain real wage maximum level of job. The propensity to consume and the level of the new investment que determine, jointly, the job level, and are this that, certainly, determines onvel of real wages? not inverse it. If the propensity to consume and the sum of novosinvestimentos result in an insufficience of the demand accomplish, the real level of empregose will reduce until being below of offers of hand of potentially available workmanship to the salrioreal in vigor, and the real wage of balance will be superior to the desutilidade delinquent of the level deemprego of balance.

(KEYNES, 1996, p.63-64) 6O Been assumed thus an active and decisive role in emsistema exactly capitalist the economic activity. One was not only about regulating the conjuncture of short term, preventing ouminimizando cycles of inflation or unemployment, but also, and mainly, assuring balanced umcrescimento of the national economy.

Seven Wonders

Metodolgicos procedures: This project will be developed with the pupils of the groups of 7, 8 and 9 year of basic education, of the matutino turn of the EEEFM Prof Luzia Simes Bartollini. Proposal for execution of the project: The group will be divided in seven groups, each group will be responsible for one of the seven wonders, will present in classroom the result of its research in seminary form, to the end will be mounted an exposition of the panels, videos and mockups of the material confectioned for the groups. Wheel of study: in hourly extraclassroom the groups of study will argue and define strategies for presentation of the research in the classroom. Consultation: the accomplishment of the research for the pupils and teacher will be through books, atlases and Internet where they had searched texts that had subsidized the execution of the project; Reflection and Seminary: dialogued from the carried through research (to distinguish natural landscape, action of the man of positive or negative form, debate, readings); Workshops: two had happened: one in the wheel of study with each group and teacher for confection of the material, to another workshop it will be in classroom with the group to organize the presentation of the subjects in the exposition. Accomplishment of Exposition: exposition of the panels, mockups among others will be in the patio with the objective to socialize the knowledge produced throughout the pedagogical process. Excursion: accomplishment of a lesson of field visiting one of the seven wonders of the Paraba with the purpose to exceed the physical limits of the classroom being explored the sensitivity of the direct contact of the pupils to the natural, cultural and patrimonial aspects of the visited place. Atitudinais contents: The project ' ' BEAUTIES MIL' ' through the research study it will observe and analyze the historical context of each one of the Seven Wonders of the Old World, Modern World and of the State of the Paraba, focusing the cultural plurality through the study of some cultures, the ethics by means of the appreciation of the relative behavior human being to the society and the environment detaching the natural beauties or the transformed ones. .

The Sale

Get the consent of the mortgage lender once you find a potential buyer, you will need to come into contact with the mortgage lender to get permission to proceed with the sale. If you sell your property as a short sale, the lender will lose money. As a result, lenders tend to be reluctant about let you sell your rental property unless you can prove you can not compensate their mortgage loan altogether. To do this, you will need to contact to your lender so that you help with mortgage, discovers who is responsible for handling short sales and get your contact information. Be sure to be specific supervisor rather than the Department of short sales in general. Once that is taken care of, you will use contact information to submit the following documents: letter of authorization this is a letter that authorizes the lender to disclose your loan information to professionals in the properties real estate that will be involved in the sale.

The letter must include its name, the direction of the feature, your reference number of the loan and its name of agent and contact information. Preliminary net sheet this is a statement that must include selling price and estimated costs under closed, pending payments due and recent fees. Letter of the difficulty this letter explains why their situation financial forces him to do a short sale and not leave him with enough resources to compensate your loan in full. The sales documents this includes copy of the buyer’s offer and the copy of your listing agreement. Once the documents are presented, the supervisor of short sales will decide if allowing a sale cuts. However, your agreement may be conditional. Since the sale cannot go forward without the permission of the lenders, lenders may alter the conditions of the sale to his advantage (even if sabotages the sale), and there is nothing you can do about him.

Implications of the tax you have a right to deduct capital losses the loss of benefit of its characteristic of rent during the last tax year. However, you do not may deduct any costs involved in short selling, including the difference between the purchase price and the sale price. In addition, if you possessed his characteristic of rent for more than 11 years, you will have to pay a 25 percent depreciation regains tax.

French Revolution

The old world, its religious culture to multissecular, its matrices, its politicosocial models, meets spread by the planet all, particularly in this beginning of century XXI, when the globalization goes becoming triumphant the civilization that was born in the Europe modern occidental person. In this point, it fits to remember that social Philosophers as Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot, Rousseau, Locke, Beccaria, had developed the principles ethical-politicians of the democratic organization social, which had served of base for the fights that had deflagrated the French Revolution (1789). In this context of the century of the lights, in France, where the Iluminismo assumed its more vigorous intellectual feio, the Espiritismo is elaborated by the iluminista-romantic Allan Kardec. In ‘ ‘ Character of the Esprita’ revelation; ‘ , true treated to epistemologia of the Espiritismo.

‘ ‘ He is, therefore, rigorously accurate to say that the Espiritismo is a comment science and not product of the imagination. Sciences alone had made important progressos later that its studies if had based on the experimental method; until then, it was given credit that this method also was only applicable to the substance, to the step that it is also to the things metafsicas’ ‘. (KARDEC, 1990, P. 20) Being thus, the Espiritismo is on the other hand Iluminista in its knowledge rational of the laws that conduct the evolution bio-psico-partner-spiritual of the human sort and for another one is inheriting of the philosophical tradition of the Romantismo, reencantando the world with the values spirituals, the love and the universal fraternity, with the meaning deep of each evolutivo level, in each reincarnation, each being, all individuality, different spheres and manifestations of the life, in the great teia of the universe that is not another thing seno the thought of God.

History And Philosophy Of The Calendar

Time and eternity – the notion that affect many philosophers of antiquity and modernity. Time and eternity – the opposite of having a common nature. Time – this is a river that flows continuously, not stopping at second, and eternity – the sea, in which every river carries its waters. On the essence and nature of the time people began to wonder at the dawn of time. This concept is occupied and continues to occupy the minds of philosophers.

Time is irreversible, but none However, throughout its history, people trying to keep time, "stop a moment or at least follow up his change. Initially, people perceived over time as a cyclical process of shift and night long, and so on Moon – a natural "Calendar", which allows you reckon quite long periods of time. This "calendar" is used in many ethnic cultures, even today. On the lunar calendar was based Menotonov calendar, calendar pontiffs However, the ancient inventors of calendars, priests and astrologers, lacked knowledge of astronomy, with the result that there were flaws in the systems of chronology and calendars through greater or lesser period of time ceased to correspond to real change since the year holidays ceased to correspond to the time of sowing or harvest. As a result, many calendar reform undertaken in the history of human existence, is now installed in 365 calendar days, and every 4 years is a leap year. The accuracy of the calendar – a prerequisite of the existence of modern man. Date and time – necessary conditions for business life. Indeed, it would be to put it mildly, strange to hear from a business person, that, for example, delivery of materials for production will take place "after 5 Moons." Constant dependence on time causes a person to always have handy clock and calendar.

Today, however, often performs the calendar is not only utilitarian but also decorative features (especially the large wall calendars), and manufacturing calendars – this is a separate industry in which there are many different suggestions: wall calendars, desktop, handheld, flip, calendars, posters, souvenir Do not forget about electronic calendars, which have penetrated into human life with the advent of computers, and various kinds of diaries, which allow not only to trace the course of time, but plans for the future. Such diversity calendar due to the difference of conditions in which the calendars are used, as well as the functions they perform. If, in itself better to have a small pocket calendar, which if necessary you can get from purse, the office is better to have a big quarterly or wall calendar that is convenient to keep track of dates. But whatever it was, the calendar – a necessary subject in everyday life of any person.

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