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Construction Sites

The causes mess on construction sites. Every second building is the St. Petersburg serious deviations from the rules of construction work on every fourth found "critical, extremely dangerous' deviations from the rules. These are the results of the annual inspection of urban construction sites, officially announced by the head of one of these days Gosarhstroynadzora in St. Petersburg, Alexander orth. The most typical violations Alexander Orth calls: maintenance work without the full set of permits, the poor quality of installation and construction work, violation of rules gospriemka. According to Mr.

Horta, in the heart of most violations are … negligence and carelessness Builders, for which tenants pay and the newly built houses, and bona fide developers. If the customer monitors the quality, he will do it from the contractor in any way. And the contractor will assume any financial and organizational conduct maneuver – to put a skilled worker or five unskilled. Previously, all the rules, GOST, construction regulations defined the State Building, and they were binding.

And now they are only advisory in nature. This law since 1994, but for a long time in the construction people were still working the old school. And now they are running low, and the problem got out. The size of the fine for engineers and technical workers, committed violations at construction sites – from 2 to 3 thousand. February 5, 2004 in St. Petersburg have fallen stairs from the ninth to the first floor in a newly built apartment building at the intersection of Prospect Street and Veterans General Simonyak. Killed two slingers. According to preliminary data, the cause of the collapse of stairs in the house under construction was a failure to comply with safety and technology of construction work. Separate the question of surveyors and georabotah. You have to understand that no license could save the company geodesic construction of an inexperienced surveyor error: License is a company that sent it to an object, but most often the surveyor No experience or graduate degree. That superintendent hopes for such a specialist, and then stairs down, so banks in buildings are due to errors in the breakdown. Every second surveyor on our construction sites has appropriate education engineer surveyor, that is, he studied his work have on any subject, being the assistant of another surveyor, and his knowledge of the profession is limited to those skills that he acquired in quickly. Blind customer savings on everything – this is the main cause chaos on the site. Using low-wage, unskilled workers and low-cost, substandard materials, simplifying technology, ignoring the technical supervision and quality control, saving on the project and georabotah, the customer, without knowing it, driving himself into a swamp of explicit and hidden defects. Identify these defects, of course not immediately upon acceptance of work, and during the operation. Cracks pass through cracks in the basement, where there is water, peeling paint, moving away from the walls of wallpaper, the bay and falling off bar, freeze walls, heated wires, etc. Only then, heartbroken customer begins understand that saved the full program. Save of course necessary, but should save wisely, not to the detriment of himself and his object. A well-savings can only be a specialist who knows all the subtleties and nuances of construction and repair, and able to take unfair artist on 'clean water' Sergey V. Fomchenko Executive Director of Stroypromplan

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