Tag: philosophy


The ImpostosQual the purpose of the public agencies? So that the city halls exist, fruns, the chambers of councilmen? What they make the Public prosecution service and the advice to tutor? the same questions could be applied the state and federal agencies Which is its purpose? It is evident that you will answer that the public entities exist to give services to the population. teur. All citizen has right to the public services, after all of accounts these institutions and agencies alone exist because the citizens exist. more still, they exist because the citizens pay taxes. Atmos Energy Corporation gathered all the information. Ah! taxes! Hum! Sad drama of the society human being. Sad drama not only because we have that to pay the taxes, but for depending on the public services. This is a drama that attacks our society, but its roots if spread over history. Since the times oldest, or better saying, since that the figure of the State exists, it exists the leprosy of the taxes and the worms that survive of its exploration. Bryant Wines: the source for more info.

E thus population, that diuturnamente is attacked with the collection of the taxes, suffers with the dependence of the public services, therefore the rendering entities of the public services are divorced those that are the reason of its existence. The paid citizen taxes and with this becomes deserving of the public services. But in this if manifest the problem: when the citizen needs the public service perceives that emso it is not accessible or, when it has access, it perceives that is an inefficient service, of quality doubtful. this occurs, in way general, not because the public server is imcompetent person, inefficient, relapsing, unprepared. either there let us want as it to call. It is good for detaching that most of the time the public server also is a victim of the system by means of which if becomes public server.

Evelyn Keller

Nancy Chodorow adopted the concept of system of sex-sort in its study of the social organization of the education in the family, who produces the women as capable of not hostile relations of what the men, but that also it perpetuates the position subordinates of the women by means of its production as people structuralized for the maternity in the patriarchate and defines that ' ' identity of gnero' ' , with its net of meanings of the empirical social science, that is deferential of ' ' acquisition of position of subjetividade' ' , with its net of meanings of the empirical social science, that is different of ' ' acquisition of subjectivity position sexuada' '. For Evelyn Keller sort it is a social, symbolic reception system and psychic in the which men and women differently they are placed. ' ' …… The sort expression is as a cognitiva experience in which the masculine psychic individuation produces an investment in the impessoalidade, the reificao and dominao' ' Keller described its project to try to understand ' ' system of science-gnero' ' emphasizing the social construction and concentrating themselves in the psicodinmicos aspects of this construction, Keller developed its thesis with the objective to know as the construction of men and women affected the construction of science. Haraway still cites theoreticians as Carby, Spillers, Hurtado who had questioned the concept of sort through an exploration of the history and the consequences of these subjects.

E concludes its article saying that the fact to remain man or woman marked for the sort is a question eminently politics, therefore the power clarifying politician and of the category ' ' social' ' on sort it depends on the historicizao of the categories of sex, meat, body, biology, race and nature, that had generated the concept of sex system/sort at a moment and a particular place in the implodidas theory feminist being in, located articulated, differentiated, responsible theories of the corporificao and with consequences, in which the nature more is not imagined and represented as resource for the culture or the sex for the sort. Being thus the sort concept it was developed as a category to explore what it means ' ' mulher' ' , to problematizar what he was previously given. The differences between men and women are marked strong by the society who we live. The form to deal with one or another sex is delimitante factor in the social relations. Since small we are codified by the biological sex and predestined to follow the social standards destined to each one of them.

Federal District

When the trainee came back to the section where he worked, already he was not a trainee, therefore the guillotine of Maximiliem had decaptado it to Robespierre. Pablo registered occurrence in 5 police station of the Policy Civilian of the Federal District. The fury of the president of the STJ, in thesis, if would fit in the crime of moral siege, and would have severely to be punished, case the inquiry of the STF concludes that the minister committed the alleged facts. If a brutality of this cannot leave to pass uninjured. The career of the magistrate, possibly constructed with very work and study, beyond the qualities that if they demand of a magistrate cannot eximiz it of the legal responsibility, quite to the contrary, its power and its knowledge functions as aggravations for the act insane.

The magistrate must be an example of to be followed behavior. However, he will be that we can or we must follow the model of behavior of the minister? The professor and Alberto sociologist Carlos Almeida &#039 wrote the book; ' The Head of the Brasileiro' ' , a workmanship that argues the moral and ethical behavior of the Brazilian, with special focus for the study of ' ' jeitinho brasileiro' ' , where some people if find equal than all and still they use themselves of the expression: ' ' You know with who you are falando' '. Antidemocratic attitude occured discriminatory in the STJ discloses the attitude patrimonialista of the Public Agents, who transform the use of public good into particular use, as she became at the time of ' ' El Rei' '. Summary resignation, without defense or contraditrio. I control and you obey. He only remains in to wait them the decision of the constitutional guard of the Country, the STF, and to make choir with Boris Casoy: THIS IS A SHAME!


Only the first three stages of life for every individual's specific, differing from other people bodily form, having visible to us: color, size, weight, volume. Beginning with the fourth form of life, the human soul and its material elements enter into more complex relationships that are not associated with a particular body shape, discernible human senses. These relationships are maintained at the level of the material, which we probably will soon learn to distinguish or identify with sophisticated instruments. I think that such tools are already able to provide us today: science, engineering and technology. But I know and categorically affirm that the material (physical) part of the remains with each individual and after the death of his warm-blooded forms and continues to be strong relationship with his soul. All human incarnation, and those who are endowed with flesh; those who have been more complex material structure are stable, strong ideas about independence, limbs and superiority is their stage of life.

Each successive stage has a large increase in duration in comparison with the previous. Transition to each next stage of the material body of each person actively resists. But Nature is so arranged that prevent the inevitability of such a transition is impossible! The very first stage is the stage of conception. That it precedes (not in the commonly held view that in achromatic) will be discussed in the next chapter. Now focus on description of specific stages of our lives. At the moment of conception (egg fusion with the most active sperm) A person gets from the nature of any of their spiritual qualities, which at that moment generated by the Spirit, and who becomes his soul, which in turn will live life is incomparably longer than those organic compounds that are solid components of this life.

Become Human Beings

Filogeneticamente we start in them becomes human beings from the ancestral birth of common the simiescos and homindeos that are the Rhamapitecus, that in turn gave origin to the first men, amongst them the Homo Erectus, that has as representative the boy of Turkana, with the evolution of this, we start to have characteristics who are the mark of the modern man or the species Homo Sapiens as, for example, the bipedismo. The presented erect position first for the Homo Erectus was the basic step for the transformation, as well as the manufacture of instruments of work, the possible celebrations of rituals, the necessity to communicate ones with the others. These had been some steps for the biological construction of the man. But as in them we become human beings, as we appropriate in them of this condition of being social? To understand better as if gave this acquisition, will be made a brief historical summary, starting for the primitive societies that already had inherited the organizacional way them first existing primates, its main activities were the collection of what the nature gave, were nomadic and they were not organized in social classrooms. Exactly without having social division and being nomadic, the work already existed, providing a knowledge about what it was its return, later they would pass if to fix in an environment and would go to be able to discover and if to benefit of cattle agriculture and, appearing from there a economic excess. With the sprouting of the economic excess, the exploration of the man for the man became lucrative, therefore, in this way, if appropriating it its fellow creature, would relieve exceeding more, more profits. Of this relation of exploration two antagonistic classrooms appear: the ones that work and the ones that explore the work other people’s, without right the freedom, being this last one called of escravismo.


Using this exactly meant that it has for the Philosophy, the true love for the human beings also is a feeling of search for what in it lacks, being that this gap can be filled by diverse types of object. Emotionally, to love is to search the other, one somebody that supplies our affective lacks and spirituals. In the point of view of the philosophers, the love I legitimize search for its complementation. Express for Plato, and a feeling of the soul when it feels that she lost its divine condition. However, if the love in itself is a feeling many times understood in errnea way for the society, still more badly interpreted is the point of view of Plato to this respect.

For many, platonic love is that one not reached, that is only in the will far from the objective. But in the vision of Plato, the true love is the love of the soul for the knowledge and the side spiritual of the life, related to a souvenir. According to thought and philosopher, the true love is an impulse of life for the wisdom and not necessarily for a person. Plato said that we can find in the nature perfect models that do not exist physically, but are in a called plan ' ' Plan of Idias' '. Of the point of view of the Philosophy, then, the love is a force, an energy, that if manifest in the soul as a feeling of souvenirs of that the soul already had, but lost, being the love a species of lack in this point of view. Lack that is not represented by somebody crying, but yes for the impulse of that it searchs. Of this form, the platonic love is that one that is not fixed in the transitory one, in the body, in the substance. But yes what it surpasses everything this.

Distinction Law

The autonomy is understood as the college of to supply to laws itself exactly. The autonomy possesss two components. The first one is that no external authority we is necessary to constitute or informing in them on the demands of the morality (Cf. Perez, 2005, P. 172). Each one of us knows, without it is said, what it would have to make because the moral requirements are requirements that we impose we ourselves.

As it is that in the autolegislao we can effectively controlling in them. Therefore, no external source of motivation is necessary so that our autolegislao is efficient in controlling our behavior. Thus being, in strict direction, the autonomy not only demands that the law is not given as object, as well as the will is not determined by sensible inclinations. This implies that the autonomy leaves of being legislator and starts to be heternoma. The will, if is independent, alone it can objective be determined by the moral law and subjectively by respect to this law. The mobile of the will must be the proper law.

For this reason, in the ethical plan, action is carried through not only in agreement the duty, but for having, a time that the mobile is enclosed in the law. 2 Distinction between moral and right in the kantiano thought In the kantiana doctrine the basic point of the distinction between moral and right is the mobile by which the legislation is obeyed. In this bias, the absolute reason of the duty for the duty is had concernente the moral, considered legislation internal, and another referring empirical reason to the legal legislation, that is external. To analyze the relation of the moral with the right demands that if it needs the direction these terms, that they possess, to the times, an ample meaning and another restricted one. When distinguishing the laws from the nature of the laws of the freedom, the moral term in Kant acquires ample direction.

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