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Brazil Party

PROGRAMMED CARNIVAL The carnival is going far excessively, literally far excessively in the time. It swims against the party most popular of Brazil, therefore everything that is cultural must be preserved, be supported, enaltecido, propagating and all more, therefore, beyond the tourist aspect that if translates financial incomes, engrandece the Brazil mark. However the carnival cannot become an obstacle the return of the life to its normality, to the normality of the businesses, at last, to the return of the life to its normality. Already we have a December that it locks up the year with many festejos that culminates in the celebrations of the Christmas and that it closes the year with a sensational opening of a new full year of hopes in a splendid party of rveillon, that opens one month of January, in which the country hiberna in the summer of pertaining to school and familiar vacations. The businesses prosper in the sazonais segments and walk the half mouth in the said activities normal There it finishes the January month, start the lessons in the schools, but the life reluta in coming back to the normal one, therefore all are waiting for the carnival, that, in 2012, happens in finalzinho of February. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as lucas by clicking through. The lessons had badly started and already it comes a drawn out holiday there, arrives it the conclusion of that it would be better that they initiated the carnival after. The public distributions, notadamente those that never obtain to place in day its so necessary services to the society, already think about hanging one days more, drawing out a little more the carnavalesco recess.

Everything this made of the tuesday of carnival common, since it does not have law declaring this day as holiday civilian, festive, folclrico, carnavalesco a holiday or any another denomination that wants to give to it. Bryant Estate Napa describes an additional similar source. he administrator. thus the normal life after starts the end of the carnival, without saying in that they try, all the cost, to draw out the party for plus some days, as the carnival of the potato etc., etc. That the carnival is yes essential in Brazil, we do not have the lesser doubt, but she is necessary to place the nugget in is. We need, with urgency urgentssima, to make with that the party of the carnival leaves of being a mobile date and pass to be a fixed date. I suggest that it always happens in the first week of February and that he always finishes with the end of the first week of February. Many benefits will happen if this to happen, either for the international tourism, that could be set appointments with more tranquilidade, for the pertaining to school and familiar vacations, that will be more regular and the carnival in itself will not have no damage, for the opposite, having a better planning could be more lucrative for all the involved chain in this party so important e, more good that everything this, the life will be able to come back to the normal one of a more easy and less sluggish form. SUNDAYS SALVIO FIOROT

Portuguese Activity

But, however they do not take off its value as educational tool. – Maturity – In 12 executions of software no serious imperfection was observed; the maturity if extends some tools that do not present any type of error or inconvenience, when being set in motion, them answers its objectives accurately. – Tolerance the imperfections software is passive in relation to the treatment of imperfections. – Recuperabilidade During the imperfections in the system as an energy fall or the applicatory one to be closed for accident, can be noticed that the not safe Gcompris the information during the processing of the game and recoups so little them, it to the executed being and later interrupted, the user will have that to initiate it again. 3.1.3 How much to the usability the Gcompris displays an interface sufficiently intuitiva and practical, it brings support about 60 languages including the Brazil Portuguese for interaction between user and software.

Beyond the written menus to be all in Portuguese, the narration of the games and exercises also is made in our language. Although to be told in Portuguese of Portugal, it is very easy of being understood by who is using. The adaptations in the effect, the size of the screen, music and the time of execution of the activities are offered in the configuration menu, being able to be modified at any time. – Inteligibilidade – the agreement on the functionality of the Gcompris is in the understanding on the grouping of the activities proposals, the icons and its perception, the buttons and the names attributed to the windows are representative. The interface of the Gcompris is composed of a main menu. To the left, the main sessions are all, each icon represent an activity. When mouse of locates on it, the activity, the icon and the objective of the activity appears in the viewfinder.

The Cities

With the existence of this excess, some people had been able to dedicate to it other activities, being the city, predominantly, place of activities not-agriculturists. The city renasce, therefore of certain form, this already existed before exactly of the feudalismo, the first ones is formed for return of 3500C, at the moment at which if it knows a movement sufficiently intense of exchanges. The discoveries of America, the intensification of the commercial relations, with Asia and Africa, make to grow the cities. The city congregates a considerable number of the calls cultured professions, making possible the interchange between them, being that the creation and the transmission of the knowledge have in it privileged place. Of this form, the city is an element booster of the development and perfectioning of the techniques. The city is said, then, that place of permanent boiling. In this transistion of the feudalismo for the capitalism, with the reinforcement of the cities (burgos), the bourgeoisie was the revolutionary classroom; it was opposed the aristocracy (detainer of lands).

Some authors, between which proper Marx, affirms that, in its primrdios, the capitalism is revolutionary in the history of the humanity, therefore, among others things, increased the number of people who inhabit the cities, that have then transforming character and make the free work. New relations city-field During some centuries, field and city interacted mutually, but with the process that if it initiates with the great navigations and it is consolidated with the industrial revolution, are not more possible to be immune to the changes and to continue with the same concepts and hierarchic classifications. (p.55) New urban hierarchy the transports and the communications had known great advances in the underdeveloped countries the processes biggest are gotten, through the bus and of the automobile and the flows they can be intensified thanks to its bigger flexibility, what it could not be reached with the train, much more rigid and inflexible way.

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