With the existence of this excess, some people had been able to dedicate to it other activities, being the city, predominantly, place of activities not-agriculturists. The city renasce, therefore of certain form, this already existed before exactly of the feudalismo, the first ones is formed for return of 3500C, at the moment at which if it knows a movement sufficiently intense of exchanges. The discoveries of America, the intensification of the commercial relations, with Asia and Africa, make to grow the cities. The city congregates a considerable number of the calls cultured professions, making possible the interchange between them, being that the creation and the transmission of the knowledge have in it privileged place. Of this form, the city is an element booster of the development and perfectioning of the techniques. The city is said, then, that place of permanent boiling. In this transistion of the feudalismo for the capitalism, with the reinforcement of the cities (burgos), the bourgeoisie was the revolutionary classroom; it was opposed the aristocracy (detainer of lands).
Some authors, between which proper Marx, affirms that, in its primrdios, the capitalism is revolutionary in the history of the humanity, therefore, among others things, increased the number of people who inhabit the cities, that have then transforming character and make the free work. New relations city-field During some centuries, field and city interacted mutually, but with the process that if it initiates with the great navigations and it is consolidated with the industrial revolution, are not more possible to be immune to the changes and to continue with the same concepts and hierarchic classifications. (p.55) New urban hierarchy the transports and the communications had known great advances in the underdeveloped countries the processes biggest are gotten, through the bus and of the automobile and the flows they can be intensified thanks to its bigger flexibility, what it could not be reached with the train, much more rigid and inflexible way.