For some strange reason, both Microsoft and Yahoo likes the idea of denying us the possibility to use their mail services with desktop clients using POP3 or IMAP, and force us to revise our e-mail via Web unless they pay for a Premium account.
Although it seems that the last time the two companies have begun to consider, on the one hand offering solutions such as Microsoft Windows Live Mail and Outlook Connector, and now with Yahoo Zimbra Desktop, the e-mail client multiplatform of Zimbra, a service / mail server and schedule of open source from which we have already spoken, and that its newly launched desktop version offers complete compatibility with Yahoo Mail, and also allows us to use it with Gmail, AOL and any mail service that supports the POP / IMAP.
Besides this application includes several features quite remarkable, as backing for labels (which unfortunately is not synchronized with those of Gmail), a timetable and agenda for quite useful contacts (but nor is synchronized with the respective services of Yahoo) and integration with Yahoo maps to give directions and maps instantly.
In short, an application indispensable for all who use Yahoo Mail and want to have access to the when offline. And that also is available for both Windows and Mac and Linux.