Month: July 2013

Internet Explorer

However, you can resort to earlier versions that may work a little better, or directly opt for another client, such as for example the portable edition of BitComet, which is compatible with Windows 98 and ME. (7) Web browsing / E-mail two words: can be. No matter the modern designs, Adobe Flash, Silverlight, or whatever you can get to having a site, a person with a 133 Pentium can surf the Internet and send emails if you know how to move and avoid performance wells. Firstly, there are older versions of web browsers that can be more flexible than Internet Explorer. There are still copies of Netscape available, while previous versions of Opera are known for supporting very old systems, including Windows 3.11.

And to navigate humble systems, nothing better than the mobile versions of the portals more known, as Google, Gmail, Facebook or Twitter. Plain text, zero Flash, loaded in a heartbeat, and best of all is that it may become available when the main portals are dropped. (8) Learn Linux! One essential of any Linux distro virtues is that you can work much more efficiently provided it is compatible with the hardware present and to be dealing with a computer which on average has about fifteen years, it is logical to assume that by Linux hardware detection problems are reduced to zero. If you want to simply install a Linux distro on your computer, you can opt for some editions very light DamnSmallLinux or Tiny Core Linux, very friendly with humble systems. However, if you want to get a little dirty hands, you could bend towards something as Debian.

Version 5.0 Lenny is compatible with processor 486 onwards. Perhaps you should do some commitment in what refers to the graphical interface, but it is not anything that lacks solution. (9) Practice overclocking while many overclocking enthusiasts consider the golden age of the activity when he did present the famous Celeron 300A (which ran just by changing a jumper 450 MHz), the Pentium were also famous for allowing some megahertz extras.


I want to be a geek Ignacio Ortega writer when internet appeared, also appeared his first pajerocultos in its efforts to conquer the new Galaxy from the shadows. Thus, while I tested clumsy words on my computer, they testeaban the internet from which transgress the grammar of the conventional order, introducing the future wisdom of google. Until recently I thought that geeks, aside from the linguistic contamination imposed by its use, were only part of an elite group of social misfits, sallow skin and lovers of manga and pop, buried in their rooms under a mountain of comic and dirty socks. I erred in my views, they belong to the world of the Liberal hipercultos and humanists that all we want to be, who wear clothes heavy, owners of the wargames, able to melt your ETS in a heartbeat with a mail bombing, if they nominate it. While Joyce, Valle Inclan, the Ulysses or Luces of Bohemia They MISTED my glasses between ducados cigarette mists and depriving wine, they desvivian by computing, manga, the role-playing and science fiction; You spoke English with pride who know intended to subjugate the Galaxy, aware of the main concerns of the country would go to the new Galaxy, tuiterizada and feisbuquerizada today in the blogosphere. Those who belong to the generation without Internet only had then the honor of living in a land flat, parallel to the sky in which lived a God to which we saw not never. We charlabamos with flea market writers and painters of comas while we mamabamos life from Bogart to Sean Connery until night we missed, without asking us to not even what it felt like when the water you reached the neck. They, better than that generation, have managed to transcend this world through their most intimate fantasies, defying the world with glasses of pasta and linux.

It doesn’t matter the sons of geeks escaping books to view drawings animated, or that girls read more books than boys. They crouched as guirlocheros and people from the trile against your computer, dominate the web. Front of them my world is a journalistic cigarral lighting with adjectives that look just like sequins in newspapers where, by dint of nights, fits my life of scribe and nosecuantas bohemiadas. Today, that generation behind, grows a wisely subversive kind of creators of social networks, logos, video games, movie geeks, music youtuberizada and millions of comments that the post will use and cause to become multiple asynchronous conversations, nervously entangling the network of literary texts, with the same determination that before we emborronabamos hand patiently folios and folios.For this reason, I want to be geek.


The world of Smartphones, which seemed so closed, and until even oligopolistic, with absolute leadership of Rim, and with the iPhone on its heels, now it adds to other devices that seem to not be stopped up to occupy first place in sales, by encimad and its two competitors. We are talking about the Android platform, which has increasingly more followers and buyers. This way Linux, the operating system with more possibilities of advancement and development, charged revenge for loose sales in the computer market, and messing with the commercialization of mobile devices that include its Android platform. Thus, according to the data published by the consulting firm Nielsen, Android have become the first choice for buyers of mobile devices in the past 6 months, beating Apple’s iPhone himself. Based on the numbers who threw this report, Android has a current market’s 13 percent share, which collides with the 35 percent of RIM, and 28 percent of the iPhone, but where is well marked success taking Android, is in the figures for growth of the last time. It is that while the RIM platform has decreased by 2 per cent from the year 2009, the revolutionary device from Apple has had a growth of 7 percent, which is quite relegated if compared with 11 percent of growth experienced by the Android device. Also following with Nielsen data, 71 percent of those who buy an Android terminal, claim that your next phone will be a model based on this system. Beyond these positive numbers to the Linux-based system, the applications market is its big challenge. Is that although it has generated around 70,000 applications, fail to achieve the results expected, since the numbers are absolutely overwhelming: 99 percent of the downloaded applications are the inPhone.

Federico Nietzsche

Reason by which man takes their power and women theirs. Without the union of sperm with the egg apparently supporting this kind of procreative power can choose that their sperm and egg is not a, so that it will not become. Maybe this freedom is much more respectable. Than that when human being is gestated in the womb. Since that carries the original sin of him that Eastern European countries by all without asking. Depending on what Rafael Pombo understands writing. This kind of reasoning called some, blasphemy.

But they can call them arguments. Of Federico Nietzsche I have read some profanity not for Pombo. If we accept that blasphemy is that yelling in anger, a series of thoughts that attack brutally, without reason or cause. As the dog that attacks without provocation of any kind and that when returned you the attack with a stone is thrown in anger about the stone and not the hand that really attacks him. Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo Quien is Luzbel? Because if it was an angel of good came to be Lucifer? Lucifer is the Prince of evil or simply Lucifer is the slave of an essence that is unknown? Not bad! Pombo says: we were already sentenced to purge it here by the and to extend the planting of sins for Luzbel.

And this is another paradox; because we believe or not believe in a God, good or evil. Pombo knows that what sins would not be attributable to a rock to a tree or an animal. And Yes to the manifestation of life in every human being. Therefore if sins there are evidently they seeded in each human being for the benefit of Luzbel or Lucifer. Not interested in forming a controversy whether this or that. Only We note the arguments of our poet. Now: If we compare us with land.

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